Tuesday, May 19, 2009


What I did so far:
1) Sleep 12 hours per day
2) eat 4 meals per day
3) sit in front computer for 8 hours per day
4) go jogging evening (thumbs up for myself xD)
5) continue reading my Angels & Demons (damn... stopped reading this great novel when i preparing my STPM...)
6) anime finished so far: Bamboo Blade(4.5/5), Witch Blade(1/5)
drama series in progress: Heroes Season 3

Sunday, May 10, 2009


weee... my nightmare ended last Tuesday, but until today only i have the time to update my blog xD anyhow, my 25% of university life has just ended, which means another 3 years more i have to work ady >< damn... never know tat time flies until u realized it.

my vacation will be 3 months long, but too bad i have holiday commitment tat requires me to go back to singapore for 2 months :( though it might be a bad thing, after spending one day at home, i felt like i'm very empty, nothing tat i could do... except watching movies and online whole day... all my friends either have short sem now or their vacation havent started yet. so i probably will be bored to death... well, to fully utilise my one month i think i shd start planning my vacation now xD

Things to do for my one month vacation:
1) dl and play lotsa games ^^
2) watch all anime/movies tat i leeched from friends
3) finish Heroes!!! hope tat i can watch supernatural season 3 also ><
4) maybe sleep more? gain some weight before going back to suffer... haha
5) work out abit? LOL

nothing i can think of now... maybe i really need to sleep more xD hope everyone has an enjoyable and memorable vacation xD

Rey_z @ MY