Monday, June 1, 2009

Mission Accomplished!

pheww... Finally i'm able to relieve after such a long wait. It had been a very taxing semester for me. The beginning of the semester i had to train daily for the floorball competition. u can refer back to few posts back to read bout the competition:) after the competition, i started to prepare for the dinner and dance for my hall.

at the mean time, i still need to work for my float (will talk bout this soon...) marketting stuffs. not to forget that i'm taking 6 modules this semester. but actually there were only 4 modules that required me to continuously work hard on them. then the other 2 were an english modules and biology stuff =.=" so the biology modules i just have to prepare before the final exam as no continuous assesment and the english module was more on group assignment, hence after mid semester, we didnt have classes anymore ;)

however, the last two weeks before the final exams, i studied like hell. i restricted myself to sleep for 6 hours everyday (but most of the time i slept for 8 hours. LOL) and tried almost every past year papers. althought i felt that i did badly in my exams, the results came out pretty okay and i achieved the target i set for this semester :D

okay, enough of self praising xD now i need to work hard for the coming semester as now we will specialize into our respective engineering courses and compete with fewer person and so the bell curve will be narrower ><><

back to my holiday stuffs, went to KL with my uni friends last week. had a very nice trip with them all, but sadly i dont have a camera to snap any pictures :( hope i able to earn enough money to get myself a camera by end of the year xD

my holiday left only 2 weeks before i have to go back to singapore for my activity :( suddenly felt that my holiday is damn short xD havent really take enough rest. haha... starting tomolo will sleep 12 hours per day xD

rey_z @ malaysia~

1 comment:

NOT zhi han said...

your holiday very short meh?
mine lagi short lah!